Characteristics of the tiger sign according to the eastern horoscope.  People born in the year of the Tiger: horoscope, characteristics, compatibility About a person born under the sign of the tiger

Characteristics of the tiger sign according to the eastern horoscope. People born in the year of the Tiger: horoscope, characteristics, compatibility About a person born under the sign of the tiger

Eastern horoscope, Tiger sign: legend, character, money and career; what is the zodiac sign of the tiger; Tiger Compatibility Horoscope


1926 - fiery

1938 - earthen

1950 - metal

1962 - water

1974 - wooden

1986 - fiery

1998 - earthen

2010 - metal

2022 - water

Oriental horoscope Tiger: Chinese legend

According to it, at the call of the Buddha, twelve animals arrived, having crossed the previously turbulent river. Due to the cunning of the Rat, the Ox, who sailed first, took second place. The Tiger came next. Strong people, Bulls and Tigers, also constantly compete. The Bull is stronger, the Tiger should give in, disappear from the environment of the Bull. The tiger was rewarded, the third year of the cycle is his year. Each animal gives its character to those born in the year they patronize. Asians consider the Tiger a wonderful sign, the embodiment of the power of the earth, the emblem of human protection.

Tiger: character

Leader, rebel, quick-tempered, does not live by the rules, always resists the authorities, even undisciplined. Tigers are revolutionaries, leaders. Always, instead of the beaten track, they are looking for new, interesting, promising roads. They can seize a lot at once, but at the same time lose everything.

Tigers despise hierarchy, higher authority, conservatism. They themselves do not obey anyone, but with their magnetism and irresistible charm they force the environment to obey them. Tigers are respected, but the truth is not dared to be told. But the Tigers, captivating others with their indestructible enthusiasm, are risky leaders. Their ideas are interesting, their speech is ardent and sincere, they are inspirers, organizers. However, others, before acting on the call, should think carefully, even restrain the Tiger: with his love of risk, he can lead to disaster. Tigers themselves often find it difficult to distinguish between a successful project and a dangerous adventure.

Tigers can become warlords, leaders, but also dangerous criminals. After all, without risk, they are not interested in any enterprise. Life for them an unknown adventure, most of the ideas are non-standard, they sincerely believe in themselves, they are prone to maximalism, they often go for broke. They need adrenaline, therefore they are often addicted to some kind of extreme sports, or choose a dangerous profession.

Despite their charm, the Tigers' relationships with those around them are complex. Directness develops into harshness and offends, unwillingness to obey creates problems at work. The Tigers themselves are not easy with their rebellious, impetuous, impulsive character. Especially in love: with directness, onslaught, passion, they often scare away the chosen ones. However, the family life of tigers is always rich, amazing, full of deep sincere feelings.

Tigers are paradoxical. Enthusiasts, they may not make an important decision until it's too late. Hot-tempered, conflicted, can sacrifice themselves in the name of a common cause. Petty egoists, in great deeds, are capable of disinterestedness. These are people of violent death, but also of extraordinary luck. The tiger can save the house from 3 misfortunes: fire, cunning, thieves.

Tigers in general are sensitive, prone to reflection, but strong, courageous, noble people. They, brandishing a knight's sword, make a lot of mistakes, but with sincere motives. These are burning hearts that can sometimes change the course of history.

Tiger: career, money

The tiger is impulsive, unpredictable, and such is his career: dizzying ups are replaced by sudden falls. However, the Tiger believes in humanity, in itself, so it still moves upward. This is also helped by his talent and infectious enthusiasm.

With money, it's the same. The tiger is not inclined to accumulate in order to ensure old age. He often takes risks: invests in an unknown and obscure enterprise, plays on the stock exchange. So he can suddenly become the owner of a huge fortune or an absolute bankrupt. Usually the Tiger's money flows away like sand through fingers. At the same time, he is able to get them "out of nowhere", his pockets are rarely empty.

Tigers are famous

Beethoven, Maria Stuart, Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Agatha Christie, H. G. Wells, Bon Jovi, Isidora Duncan, Stevie Wonder, Marco Polo, Charles de Gaulle, Marilyn Monroe, Niccolò Paganini, Dwight Eisenhower, Maximilian Robespierre, Admiral Nelson, Francis Goya , Oscar Wilde.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Tiger

Capricorn is the most reasonable; avoids trouble admirably.

Aquarius - smart; thinking and action are in a reasonable balance.

Pisces is a slightly crazy Tiger. Funny, but dangerous ... for himself - especially.

Aries - Beware! Increased reaction, it is possible to overcome the sound barrier.

Taurus is balance. Too receptive Tiger, even scrupulous.

Gemini - for adventurous, crazy enterprises, able to succeed in them.

Cancer is the most inactive Tiger. Lifestyle - sit by the fire.

Leo is a true Leo. Action tiger, gets things done.

Virgo is an aristocrat, a subtle nervous system, designed to bring beauty.

Libra is a tamed Tiger cub. A pleasant business companion, especially in matters of trade.

Scorpio - this Tiger is difficult. Anything can be expected.

Sagittarius is a real tiger. Can go far...too far.

Tiger Compatibility Horoscope

- Excellent: Dog, Dragon, Horse;

- Not bad: Cat, Tiger, Rat, Boar, Rooster, Sheep;

- Bad: Monkey, Snake, Ox.

- The Tiger can create an alliance with the Horse, whose honesty appeals to him; The dragon, bringing the Tiger caution, strength; a faithful Dog, ready to support great deeds, to be always there.

- A very smart Tiger Snake will not understand. The cunning, unscrupulous, clever Monkey is dangerous for him, the Tiger cannot be trusted with anything. The Bull constantly competes with the Tiger, suppresses it, attacks to destroy it. It is better for the Tiger to leave the house where the Ox lives.

- The cat constantly annoys the Tiger, it will be difficult to get along, although these cats understand each other. The same goes for the pair of Tigers.

The tiger is the third sign of the 12-year cycle of the eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the yang energy and the wood element. The corresponding zodiac sign is Gemini.

The tiger symbolizes: extraordinary, enthusiasm, leadership, straightforwardness, openness, passion, unpredictability, assertiveness, initiativerecklessness, impulsiveness, selfishness, stubbornness, aggressiveness

Table of Years of the Tiger

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Tiger

The characteristic of representatives of the sign of the Snake introduces the peculiarities of character, building personal relationships, professional growth of people born in the year of this animal.

Character traits

Positive. The basis of the character of the Tiger is extraordinary and enthusiastic. This is a rebel and innovator, infecting with his ideas and leading. Assertiveness and initiative allow him to achieve a lot.

Characteristic positive features of the Tiger:

  • extraordinary: instead of wide beaten paths, he prefers the search for new unexplored paths; non-standard in everything;
  • enthusiasm: as soon as he comes up with a new idea, he immediately lights up and gets down to business; describes his thoughts so passionately and sincerely that he infects those around him with enthusiasm;
  • leadership: a born leader, easily captivates people with him; does not tolerate leaders and rebels against the senior in rank;
  • straightforwardness: straightforward to the point of sharpness and can say to the face what he thinks; often such a quality does not play into the hands of the Tiger, since he does not distinguish situations where thoughts should be kept to himself;
  • openness: fully trusts people and expects the same from them; therefore may be deceived.

Negative. Behind the strength and unusualness of the Tiger lies recklessness and impulsiveness. He goes "through" and never sees the risks that can harm both him and others.

Negative sides:

  • recklessness: tries to realize the idea without distinguishing its practical side and not seeing the risks; the riskiness of his projects is that he goes for broke and gets either all or nothing in the end;
  • impulsiveness: subject to the influence of the moment and often commits rash acts;
  • selfishness: selfish, cannot stand criticism and advice;
  • stubbornness: acts only as he sees fit; does not concede for anything if you do not agree with his opinion.

Love and relationships

In love relationships, he is superficial and rarely experiences strong feelings. But if he falls in love, then passionately, while admiring the chosen one.

The assertive nature of the Tiger is also manifested in love affairs. With his onslaught, he can frighten the object of passion, so his feelings often remain without reciprocity. If this does not happen, then he is able to paint the life of a partner with bright colors.

The tiger can achieve a reciprocal feeling for a long time, remaining in love, even if he is ignored and kept in constant tension. He is interested in overcoming obstacles.

He needs thrills, so he can start an affair on the side if he gets bored with a permanent relationship.

To balance his nature, the Tiger needs a person who can admire him and protect him from undue risk.

Career and profession

The tiger is not interested in boring and monotonous work. He is looking for risk, thrills and in his professional activities.

He understands his business down to the smallest detail. Knowledge of the necessary details, enthusiasm and novelty of ideas captivate those around him, so he often becomes the head of his own business.

If he works “for the bosses”, and not for himself, he may not move up the career ladder for a long time due to the peculiarities of his character. After all, the Tiger does not take into account the opinions of his colleagues and directly declares this, and also does not tolerate the leadership of his actions. Therefore, it is better for him to be the only boss.

He does not seek enrichment; recognition of merit is more important for him. Therefore, he can both make a fortune and live in poverty, on "bare enthusiasm."

The strength of the character of the Tiger is admirable. He is a reformer and leader. He is followed, feared and respected. Thanks to his unusual ideas, he achieves a lot in life if he listens to the opinions of others and avoids unjustified risks. In love, he is happy if the partner manages to keep his interest.

In the mythology of ancient China, the tiger drove away various demons. In gratitude, people decorated door frames and tombstones with his images. The tiger is the third sign of the eastern zodiac, that is, the Chinese calendar. In the articles you will find Interesting Facts about people who were born in the year of the Tiger.

The characteristics of those born in the years corresponding to this representative of the cat family are quite interesting. Tigers do not suffer defeat, they are courageous and extraordinary personalities, they choose the same as their friends. They have a natural craving for adventure, decisive and courageous even in difficult situations, capable of unusual deeds.

They are optimists in life, have irrepressible energy and purposefulness. They do not like to plan anything, preferring to act spontaneously and not live boringly, they love extreme sports and a sense of danger. They always openly express their opinions to others, do not tolerate rivalry, strive to lead in all areas of life.

TO positive traits The nature of the Tigers can be attributed leadership, openness, straightforwardness, enthusiasm, extraordinary. Negatives are selfishness, stubbornness, impulsiveness and recklessness. The characteristics of women, men and children should be discussed separately.

Video "Tiger: characterization of the sign"

This video provides a description of the eastern zodiac sign Tiger.


This representative of the sign only at first seems calm, generous and sympathetic. According to the horoscope, the Tiger guy is proactive and active, noble and charming. He is charismatic and quickly wins over the interlocutor, and especially the interlocutor. Those who encounter the Tigers later notice and recognize their unquestioned leadership, relatives have to put up with the rebellious nature and even the aggressiveness of such a person.

But the Tiger is attentive and honest, always ready to help in a difficult situation. Sometimes he is led by a tendency to idealize the situation, but even after the defeat, such a person again recklessly gets down to business. Tigers are self-confident and persistent, they can immerse themselves in work and forget about everything in the world. They often set goals that seem unrealistic to others. The male tiger is a model of a successful person, whom others look up to.


Representatives of the weaker sex, born in the year of the Tiger, often cannot find balance, rushing from one extreme to another. Their life path full of adventures that do not always end well. Outwardly, they are beautiful and fragile, but by nature such ladies are strong-willed, with clear and logical thinking. They have a peculiar powerful timbre of voice, and every movement betrays a self-confident personality.

Tigresses are too active and emancipated, they tend to command in the family, but they can neglect their household duties if they need to work hard to move up the career ladder. They have an excellent reaction, fighting enthusiasm, as well as the desire to fight and demonstrate their best leadership skills.


Little Tiger cubs are pleasant in communication, cute and restless children. They love to have fun, they never sit in one place. They gush with energy and make plans. They always openly express their grievances and may be offended by their parents for not saying something important.

It is possible to correct the behavior of such a child only by correct upbringing, trying to direct his energy in a peaceful direction. Parents should teach their child to be more careful and explain that the struggle for leadership is not always justified.

At school, such a child quickly grasps everything new and learns with pleasure, but only if the subject is interesting to him. In the learning process, a lot depends on the teacher and whether he can captivate the little Tiger cub. Otherwise, the baby will just soar in the clouds.

Elemental Influence

The year of this representative of the cat family comes every 12 years. It is important to know what years of birth tell a person that he is under the protection of this beast, because this circumstance affects fate:

  1. 1950, 2010, 2070 - these dates mark the onset of the Year of the Metal Tiger. A person corresponds to the white color, by nature he is a brave, strong spirit, always self-confident.
  2. 1902, 1962, 2022 - water tiger. Its color is black. Such a person in the family will be an attentive and sensitive father, and for acquaintances and others - an interesting conversationalist.
  3. 1914, 1974, 2034 - the years of the rule of the wooden Tiger. He owns Blue colour. Such a person is always ready to stand up for himself and convince others that he is right.
  4. 1926, 1986, 2046 - the years corresponding to the fiery Tiger. In this case, red is a good color, and a person who was born in one of these years always captivates those around him with his charisma, charm, and ability to show himself from the best side.
  5. 1938, 1998, 2058 - the years of the reign of the earthly Tiger. A yellow light belongs to a person, such Tigers always strive to emerge victorious from any life situation and know how to achieve this.

Work and career

The tiger, following his dream, rushing towards adventure and danger, tries to avoid monotonous activities. In his work, he will be scrupulous, attentive to details. He often becomes the head of his own business, because he is proactive, spouts ideas and charges his colleagues with optimism. Working in a team, this born leader will not make any special efforts to climb the career ladder, as he is not used to considering other people's opinions, he will not curry favor with management and compete with colleagues.

A tiger can try such professions as an actor, designer, poet, athlete, as well as a designer or engineer.

Love relationship

In love, Tigers are passionate and unpredictable, but rather amorous and adventurous. It is difficult to build a serious permanent relationship with them; a partner can most often count on a short-term romance or affair. Such a person can swear love and fidelity, but after a week his feelings can evaporate. This does not mean that the Tiger was deceiving, just because of the nature of his nature, he can quickly get bored with constancy.

It is possible that such a person will find his great love and settle down, but this will happen only in adulthood, when he moderates his ardor a little and becomes wiser. However, even in old age, the Tiger can be carried away for the last time by an exciting adventure, into which, as in his youth, he will plunge headlong. And then the second half will have to show tremendous patience and dutifully wait for the return of a loved one to a cozy family nest.

Famous people

Personalities born during the reign of the feline representative are unpredictable both in life and in their careers.

Among the ladies can be called Queen Elizabeth II, the stunning Marilyn Monroe, the writer Agatha Christie, the popular actress Demi Moore and the muse of the poet Sergei Yesenin Isadora Duncan.

Among the representatives of the strong half of humanity are the writer HG Wells, the singer Stevie Wonder, the traveler Marco Polo, the actor Tom Cruise, Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Prince Dmitry Donskoy, Admiral Horatio Nelson, politician Yuri Andropov and other famous personalities.

Tigers deserve respect, in general they are strong and courageous natures, who, both in their personal lives and in their careers, will definitely meet a person, and not one who will appreciate their positive qualities.

Years: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034

People born in year of the tiger according to the eastern calendar, rebels and leaders. They never obey generally accepted rules, living by their own laws. They avoid the beaten paths, looking for their own, while overcoming many difficulties: they often achieve what they strive for, but it also happens that they lose absolutely everything.

These people are impulsive and hot - they better not get under the arm when they are in a bad mood. These same character traits are also manifested in the fact that they sometimes suddenly light up with some idea, and then, in a fairly short time, forget about it. Because of this quality, not only those around them suffer, but also the Tigers themselves.

Tigers are considered cold and insensitive, as they never show emotions - they rarely feel sorry for anyone. This applies to both men and women. However, this is not at all the case - in their hearts they are very worried and sympathetic to others, but they are afraid to seem weak. In a lifetime, Tigers can cry a couple of times, but this means one thing - they are wounded to the core.

born in year of the tiger according to the chinese zodiac braggarts - they are always proud and boast of their achievements, which does not always please others, most likely, on the contrary. They are selfish, they always put their interests first, but at the same time they do it in such a way that it seems that this is for the sake of family, love, business or a team.

Tigers are easy to recognize not only by their appearance - the movements are impetuous, the face is open and charming, but also by the well-delivered speech - the words are sincere and ardent, and the ideas are interesting. They easily infect others with their ideas, but they themselves rarely bring things to the end. If they do not want something, then no one and nothing can move them.

They are adventurers - their whole life is full of the unknown and the risk, reminiscent of a detective story, in which there are horror scenes. They can become unwitting witnesses to murder, robbery and other dangerous events, but they themselves usually do not participate in them - they are afraid of tarnishing their reputation as a noble knight. A bright fire burns in their heart, they are strong, generous and courageous. They can go into battle alone, but even realizing that they may be defeated, they never give up!

People of the Year of the Tiger in everyday life. They love their home, as they consider it the strongest fortress in which they can hide from all life's problems. Typically, the Tigers choose a modest interior, but tastefully selected. For them, peace and comfort are more important. But, if funds allow, outside of their cozy nest, they are very fond of splurge, arranging sumptuous dinners in luxurious restaurants, even on a minor occasion.

For them, it is important that there are gold or silver dishes on the table, bursting with gourmet dishes. Moreover, Tigers love to eat - for them, eating is not just a necessity, but a whole theatrical performance that so pleases the soul and stomach of a real gourmet, which these people are.

Usually invited to the feast a large number of guests, but real friends are rarely found among them, rather, good acquaintances who have come to share a pompous meal. The fact is that it is very difficult to be friends with the Tigers - they put pressure on their authority and rarely make concessions. But if they consider someone their friend, they will never betray. They will stand up for protection and can even sacrifice their position in society for him, and, if necessary, their health.

Business qualities of people born in the year of the Tiger. The Tigers make good leaders, as they are ready for anything for the sake of their goal, even at risk. Quite often in their projects they go for broke and win. Although there are times when they are left with nothing, but this does not stop them. They start over and get their way.

Because of their love of adrenaline, these people often choose professions that involve risk, so among them there are many firefighters, military officers, representatives of the law and others where they can show their fearlessness. However, there are many Tigers-criminals: self-confidence and adventurism push them to lawless actions. But no matter what kind of activity the Tigers choose, it will certainly be profitable - the Tigers have a great flair for money.

Love of those born in the year of the Tiger. Both men and women born in the year of the Tiger eastern horoscope, have a beautiful appearance, emotionality and sensuality. It is easy to fall in love with them, but in relationships they behave like in a war, their chosen one is simply captured by feelings and emotions. Having achieved their goal, they can cool down, but they like to believe that their loved one is their property, which means that you can do anything with him.

They are jealous to the point of unconsciousness, they can arrange a scene of jealousy from scratch. Young Tigers are active and assertive in achieving love, but with age they become more reasonable and restrained.

Family of people born in the year of the Tiger. In the family, the Tigers try to take the lead. They believe that everyone should report to them and listen only to their opinion. Because of this, there are frequent conflicts with family and friends. Children rarely trust their Tiger parents, because they know that any act will not be approved by them, and the other half, for the same reason, is not always frank with the Tigers. In addition, these people are very jealous - they can even go as far as assault if they suspect their loved one of infidelity.

Those born in the year of the Tiger according to the eastern calendar value and respect their parents, therefore they consider it their duty to live with them under the same roof in their old age, providing them with comfort and coziness, while in old age they themselves try to live away from their children so as not to interfere with each other . However, until the end of their years, they do not stop helping them both financially and physically.

Health of those born in the year of the Tiger. Tigers are healthy people, but since they are very fond of risky sports, they often end up in the traumatologist's office with fractures and dislocations. The second cause of Tiger ailments is overeating. They love fatty and fried foods, which cause problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract. In old age, pain in the joints and heart may begin to disturb due to excess weight.

Features of the character of the Water Tiger

People born according to the Chinese zodiac Year of the Water Tiger, honest and impulsive. Their life resembles a struggle - for love, health, family well-being, financial stability. They always come out victorious. In difficult times, the Water Tigers become indecisive and fearful, trying to shift the responsibility onto someone else.

They are sociable, they have many acquaintances and friends. They have the gift of persuasion. They are fair and objective in their judgments, so they make good judges. However, these qualities are not transferred to their personal lives - they are always waiting for a dirty trick from their partner, and in the end it turns out that way. And it is not known what causes the deception - either their distrust, or the choice of a loved one of such a temperament.

Features of the character of the Wood Tiger

People born in the year of the Wood Tiger according to the eastern horoscope are brave and self-confident. They always come to the aid of others, it brings them great pleasure. Usually these Tigers are quite rich, as they will always find a way to provide themselves with a decent life.

Wood Tigers dependent on circumstances and on the environment, so it is better for them to be subordinates, not leaders. They often have a pessimistic mood, which makes it very difficult for close people to communicate with them. They really do not like being criticized, they can greatly offend the one who dared to do this. They need to learn to control their emotions, then their personal life will become brighter and more fun.

Character traits of the Fire Tiger

People born according to the Eastern calendar in the year of the Fire Tiger are inquisitive and enterprising. Somewhat impulsive and restless, which can cause problems in the family and at work. They rarely, when they sit still, without movement, they can wither away. Fire Tigers are optimists, so they perceive all troubles with ease, trying to quickly resolve all issues. They have developed business qualities - excellent leaders. Especially with their natural enthusiasm - they will turn mountains over.

These Tigers are speakers and ringleaders, they are never bored with them, so they have many friends and acquaintances who are happy to communicate with cheerful and interesting Tigers. But there are mood swings, in this case Fire Tigers better not to touch - they need to be allowed to be alone.

Features of the character of the Earth Tiger

People born in the year of the Tiger of the Earth element are fair and purposeful. They rarely cheat on their chosen business, marriage and business partner, friends and comrades. With them you feel like behind a stone wall.

Earth Tigers strong and very powerful, they always do as they see fit, they never listen to someone else's opinion. Their life is amazing and exciting, but they need to be careful, because there are always a lot of traps on their way, which are set by both fate and envious people. They are serious and methodical, so they achieve a lot in life. They make excellent leaders.

Features of the character of the Metal Tiger

People born according to the eastern horoscope in the year of the Metal Tiger are impulsive and at the same time quite patient with the shortcomings of others. They are direct and powerful. Metal Tigers are excellent leaders who skillfully use both their strength and their position. Vain and hardworking. It is very difficult to endure when something or someone interferes with their accomplishment of their plans.

Metal Tigers witty. They have a charming and attractive appearance, so they never suffer from a lack of attention from the opposite sex, however, having chosen a soul mate, they rarely cheat on her. These Tigers need to learn to trust others, be more diplomatic, and at least sometimes go towards friends and family, and not bend their own line in everything.

You can find out online which year corresponds to which animal of the Eastern horoscope, its color and element can be found on the page.

Those born in the period from February 9, 1986 to January 28, 1987, according to the Eastern horoscope, belong to the sign of the Red Fire Tiger.

People of this sign are distinguished by the presence of great life potential, interest in relation to many spheres of life. They love action, energy and are always willing to do something new, but always of interest to them. Born in 1986 - people of ideas, not without leadership qualities, do not like to obey and live according to dictate and someone else's rules.

Personal characteristics

The fiery beginning of the sign determines the optimistic mood of its carriers, so for them the glass is always half full, not empty. Tigers are distinguished by their incredible generosity, tolerance, outstanding oratory skills, and wit.
Tigers are bold and decisive in their actions and actions, often fraught with risk, as they enthusiastically accept the challenges thrown to them.

Professional area

People born in 1986 like to set goals and successfully achieve them. In general, they are good at it, and not even 100%, but 200%, however, their initial ardent enthusiasm can very quickly disappear if something else, more attractive, is found.

Tigers are impulsive, prone to adventures, these character traits interfere more in life than help. If they had not been thrown from side to side, then they would certainly have been able to achieve greater success in their careers and lives.

The Tiger is a natural leader and may well achieve the top positions in the career ladder, but he is aware that he will have to work hard to achieve this. Although it cannot be said about the Tigers that they are lovers of sitting back and not striving for anything.
Criticism addressed to those born in 1986 is perceived painfully, considering the comments as insults.

According to the Eastern horoscope, people of this sign will never work in the bureaucratic sphere. Throughout their lives, they want to maintain a certain independence in their actions and they will certainly not like the idea of ​​being responsible for someone other than themselves. Tigers like to think that everything they have achieved is their own merit without outside help.

Areas of activity: senior positions in the military, in the field of service, in teaching, in the police,

Interpersonal and family relationships

Tigers are very honest people and never keep anything a secret from others, in this regard, they do not like liars and insincerity. In which case they will not fail to express to a stupid person everything that they think about his ignorance and at the same time they will not restrain or hesitate. The same directness does not allow the Tigers to give in to difficulties and deviate from what they believe in.

Despite the fact that the carriers of the sign have leadership qualities and outwardly look confident in themselves, this does not prevent them from being indecisive, putting off making an important decision for as long as possible.

Tigers can be good earners in the family, but at the same time they are spenders who do not know how to save money.

Tiger often marry in early age, the best partners in family life will be born under the signs of the Rat, Rabbit and Rooster. They will feel uncomfortable in the company of the Monkey and will not be able to get along with another Tiger or Dragon; in such unions, both partners will have a desire for dominance.