A conspiracy to have work every day.  A strong conspiracy that will allow you to find a good and highly paid job

A conspiracy to have work every day. A strong conspiracy that will allow you to find a good and highly paid job

For many people, attempts to find a good job with high wages and a friendly team are not crowned with success. The explanation for this may be not only economic instability, but also high competition in the labor market. However, in order for fate to reward you with a decent job, you can contribute a little to this. In such situations, it is enough to use spells to get a job. They help you quickly find the right vacancy, get a position and win the favor of your superiors.

By applying this or that conspiracy to work, you can significantly change your destiny. And this applies not only to financial status, but also to position in society.

To use magic and special prayers to successfully get a well-paid job, you need to take into account the main points. Firstly, this is the optimal time to perform rituals. How effective the plot will be for work directly depends on the stage of the Moon. It is best to do rituals to attract good luck in such an important matter during a growing month. It is considered a symbol of enrichment and multiplication.

Secondly, this is the choice of the day of the week. To make your plans for good work come true, perform rituals on Wednesdays. As centuries-old magical practice shows, this day is the most successful for using money conspiracies.

And, of course, for greater efficiency and the realization of what you want, you shouldn’t talk about what you’ve planned. No one should know what you are planning. In order to be hired for a new, more successful job, maintain complete confidentiality in your intentions to use magic. At the same time, the key to success is a sincere belief in a positive result, as well as concentration. Before performing the ritual, be sure to read all the recommendations and think carefully about everything.

Ritual for those who need a new job

This spell for good work is suitable for those who are in search of one. Before you go to a new employer, perform the following ritual. To be accepted for the position you are interested in, prepare white round bread and salt for the ceremony.

Before the interview, take bread in one hand and salt in the other. After kissing the edge of the bread, say the words of prayer:

“Just as the bread of God is revered and greeted everywhere, so let me be received like this everywhere. As the bread of God is served with bow and salt, so let me, the servant of God (state your name), be honored. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Having said this plot three times, put the items on the table and go get a new job. You'll see, you will not only become attractive to the new management, but also get the vacancy you are interested in.

Ritual for successful employment

To get a decent job, read a special spell before going through the checks. It must be pronounced at the employer’s doorstep. It is advisable that no one sees you while saying the prayer.

The magic words you need to pronounce are:

“My angel, my guardian, be with me all the time. Help me, because I am on a bright path. Let the doors I need open, let everything I have planned come true, let people smile at me and rejoice. Three fish swim in the blue sea-ocean. They have three crowns on their heads. The one who counts all the teeth on the crowns of those will be able to break my luck. Lock, key, tongue."

Having completed the ritual with the word “Amen”, boldly enter the office of the authorities. After reading this spell, you are guaranteed to get a prestigious job.

A ritual for those who want to quickly get an excellent job

To get hired for a great job, with high pay and career growth opportunities, use this method. This spell for successful employment should also be read before the interview.

When going to a new employer, sit on a stool near the front door. Call the cat and pet it. At the same time repeat the words of the prayer three times:

“I’ll go to get hired for a good job, on a black cat. Let there be no refusal for me, let me get a job. So that no one would say a bad word about me either during the day or in the morning, so that no one would speak against me either in summer or in winter. Let everyone love, respect, appreciate me and not underestimate me. It is not self-interest that guides me, but good thoughts and need. May my case end well. Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, take three cat hairs. Put them in your inner pocket or wallet and go to the interview. Having charmed hairs with you, you can be sure of the success of the event and the successful placement of a new job.

A ritual to attract good luck in your job search

To attract good luck and get the desired position, this plot may be useful. To get the job you dream of, do the following.

Determine when the waxing moon phase begins. During this period, purchase a white handkerchief. On the same day, read the plot. Taking the purchase in your hands, say the text of the prayer:

“I whisper for good luck on the road, success at work, luck in the search. For me, God's servant (my name), getting a new job will be a joy. Wherever I go, I will find her. I will not hear refusal, I will not see anger. Amen".

The magic words should be repeated three times in a row. After this, put the enchanted item in your wallet. To quickly get a new and good job, always carry this scarf with you.

A ritual for quick and successful employment

There is another surefire magical way to get you hired for a very prestigious and highly paid job. If you do not yet have notes regarding work, but are in search of a worthy position, apply this spell.

The ritual should be performed by placing a glass glass filled with holy water in front of you. Looking at him, say the words of prayer:

“I call on the forces of nature, the power of water. Help me, the servant of God (your name), find a job. So that wealthy and not greedy merchants would take me in, so that they would not deprive me of attention and gold. I am the best master and expert. Everyone will be happy for me, and they will rush to give me gold. Amen".

After saying this magical text three times, drink the enchanted liquid. The effect of this conspiracy will not be long in coming. Within a few weeks you will be able to find a decent job and get employed without any problems.

As a rule, all conspiracies for a good job, pronounced before an interview, or during an active search, begin to take effect almost immediately.

The result, which will be noticeable within the next few days after reading the spell, will definitely please you. You will be able to get a decent position and significantly improve your financial situation in a short period of time.

With a certain attitude and following the rules, reading a plot can really help you get a good job. By choosing the right spell for your situation, even a convinced skeptic can get the desired effect.

Someone is lucky, and an interesting position that brings good money is found from the first look at the job board. Others, even with a higher education behind them, cannot simply find a job in their specialty.

This is due to the combination of many factors. A good specialist may simply get nervous during an interview or, while looking through advertisements, not notice a vacancy that suits him.

Fortunately, there are also plenty of ways to achieve your goal and overcome a streak of failure. One of them is conducting such magical rituals as conspiracies.

This type of conspiracy causes employers to make decisions in your favor. Let's consider several of its variations, which have proven their effectiveness through the experience of many healers. But before we begin, keep in mind: like other magical rituals, it requires certain preparation and adherence to certain rules.

  1. It is important to choose the right moment to read the plot. The waxing phase of the moon is best suited, and the most favorable day is Wednesday.
  2. You must sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the ritual. Supported by your faith, a magical ritual will definitely help. Otherwise there will be little benefit from it.
  3. Keep the plot a secret. In order for the ritual to produce results, the sacrament must be preserved.

By observing the above conditions, you will certainly achieve results and achieve your goal.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. Conducting a ceremony is not the only thing you need to do. After reading the plot, go looking for vacancies and calling potential employers. The ritual will not show results without your actions.

Strong conspiracies to get a job

People united by a job search are distinguished from each other by their search motivation. Someone is still only at the stage of searching for an activity that suits them. Others already know what they want, but are unable to interview for the position they want. Still others, having returned from an interview, are waiting for the employer’s decision.

For each situation there is a conspiracy that is most suitable for it. Let's look at them in order.

Find a suitable vacancy

These rituals are carried out at the very beginning of the search, when you do not yet know exactly what you want from your work. Or when you have the opportunity to get a job somewhere, but you are not sure whether this is your destiny.

Coin plot. The next time you go to the store or just take a walk, leaving the entrance, throw a coin on the road, while whispering the following words: “I don’t ask for mercy, but I’m on my way and on my way. So that my legs didn’t get tangled, I got help everywhere. Lead my path to success. Amen"

Excitement at an interview

This ritual will come in handy when the desired vacancy has already been found and all that remains for you is to successfully pass the interview, appearing to the employer in a favorable light. Anxiety is your enemy, as employers may be put off by your lack of confidence. This spell will help you cope with excess stress and give you a positive attitude.

In the doorway. Before entering the office where the interview will take place, pause in the doorway. With your right hand you need to lean on the doorframe and read the following words to yourself: “David’s meekness will help me!”

To the waxing moon. The ritual is carried out precisely during this lunar phase. Read the sacred words several times, which sound like this: “I conjure, yes I conjure, in the name of the Father and Mother. Let the boyars sit in pairs, but not look at me with warmth. They want to attach him to the business, but keep him closer to the body. I’ll go right or left, step out the door, and find my business. The paths lead to where luck always awaits. My talents are noticed and will not be exchanged for anyone. Let it be so"

After the interview

When the search for a vacancy is over, you have found a place that is attractive to you, have overcome your anxiety and passed the interview; a conspiracy after the interview can influence the employer’s positive decision. The magic words of this ritual should be memorized or written down on paper, because you need to read it immediately after leaving the interview.

Immediately after the interview. When you leave the office where the interview took place, find the south and face it. The following words must be said out loud: “Wherever I go, the sun illuminates me and drives away trouble. The breeze blows me, brings good luck from the east. Waves come to the shores, work comes to me. Let it be so"

At home, after the interview. Another strong conspiracy for the same purpose. It must be carried out at home, on the day after the interview. First, get a thin church candle. Light it, and until it burns out, say the following words: “I rush on a journey not on a stormy day, on a golden-haired mare. I rush to where they respect me, but they don’t offend me in any way. No refusal. I will never be refused. They won’t say a word about me anywhere, neither bad nor evil. Only glory and honor await me everywhere. Open doors, and behind them everyone believes me. Everyone believes me as themselves - it will be so in my destiny. With a cross is a cross, with a good ending. Amen"

A very strong conspiracy to get hired

Let's consider another, very powerful conspiracy for successfully getting a job, which should be taken very seriously. Its power cannot be doubted, and one must prepare for it in a certain way. It should also be carried out during the waxing moon phase, and preferably on Wednesday - this will directly affect wage growth. The very fact of the ritual should be kept secret - this will significantly increase its effectiveness.

You will need regular dairy cream, which can be obtained from milk. The higher their fat percentage, the higher the salary awaits you. Pour the cream into a white mug and say several times:

“I, the servant of God (name), will go out to seek my destiny, in a damp forest, with a good ending, in a clean field, under the radiant sun. The cream flows, the cream is drunk, the pockets are filled with gold. Amen"

After reading the plot, drink the cream three times and treat it to a loved one. The second part of the ritual is performed at night, before falling asleep. Fluff your pillow thoroughly, while saying: “Cow, our mother. You gave me cream, give me a new job. Good and profitable” After this, cross yourself three times and read the Our Father nine times.

Supported by your faith and actions, conspiracies will definitely bear fruit. Even convinced skeptics can resort to their help, because this will at least give a positive attitude and self-confidence, which is already important. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.

Many people in the modern world, in conditions of an unstable economic situation, are concerned about how to make work enjoyable for the soul and bring in money. Help can be obtained from where you don't expect it - from conspiracies.

There are several areas of conspiracies related to employment: assistance in obtaining the desired vacancy, in order to be accepted for a higher position, in finding a job for a son, in accompanying success in career growth.

Faith in the result and the power of words is one of the most important conditions when working with magical texts, otherwise the goal will not be achieved, since your uncertainty can “devalue” all the work done, and the consequences can be unpredictable.

For conspiracies for a new job, you need the Moon in the growth phase. Wednesday is a strong day for monetary energy; Saturday is suitable for reading conspiracies for good luck at work.

Another condition for working with magical texts is maintaining secrecy. Even if you get what you want, you should not talk about the methods used to achieve the goal.

Finding a good job or returning to your previous job

A person can help not only himself in finding a good job, but also close people, for example, his husband. You need to read the words for food 7 times:

“I share my strength and my light. Let your dear heart find what it is looking for. Let him find what he wants and attract happy things. His soul will rejoice, and my soul will rejoice. My conspiracy is as strong as my love.”

After reading the plot, serve the dish to someone who needs help. These same words will help you return to your previous job.

You can help yourself with finding a job using the text below:

I whisper and whisper: God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road and success in his work. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job there. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen!

Read seven times on a purchased white handkerchief. The ritual is performed during the New Moon or when the moon is waxing. Carry a scarf with you, it will play the role of a talisman and will help in the coming days to solve problems with finding a job.

Conspiracy to get a job with a high salary

If a person sets a goal to get a well-paid job without taking into account the satisfaction of doing what he loves, a spell that is read once per reading is suitable):

“Father Belun, scatter coins from your bag in front of me. Let me serve and earn money. I’m not asking for gifts, I’m asking for someone who deserves help, to help me find a job I can afford and can afford.”

Spell for a successful interview

If options for a new job already exist and a person has been invited for an interview, in order for the person to be hired, you must say three times immediately before the interview:

“I’m going to the bar, neither young nor old. I’m going to get hired and show myself to the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not hateful. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile and be touched by my words. He will not be able to drive away a baptized soul. Lord Jesus our God, have mercy on us all at any hour. Amen"

Conspiracy for a successful career

In order for things to work out in the workplace and the start of a career to be successful, read a spell for good luck at work:

“I go as a successful fisher, I will enter as a brave merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, everywhere there is a ladder for me. Some may be lower than others, but I am always and everywhere higher than everyone else. May they love and honor me and invite me to a high position. All the words I have spoken, be strong and sculpted. Amen".

It is read for several days in a row, but not at the workplace, but on the way to work or at home. This plot can also be used against troubles at work.

Conspiracy against a picky boss

If the boss is finding fault, the following words are spoken to him once in the back:

“I have lips, I have teeth. With my lips I eat away, with my teeth I gnaw out all sorts of evil and all sorts of nagging. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Conspiracy against envious people at work

It rarely happens when a team is quiet and peaceful. There will always be an envious or evil colleague. The following actions apply against enemies at work:

  • Honey is bought on Wednesday. When purchasing with the seller, do not bargain;
  • On the day of the New Moon, dissolve honey in water and read the text during the dissolution process:
  • “The people are greedy for him. Let everyone love me the same way and feed me bread and salt. They let you into the house, seat you at the table, pour sweet wine and serve magnificent pies. They kiss you on the mouth and cheeks and pamper you with affection. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"
  • Wash your face with the resulting honey water for 12 days without a break.

Conspiracy to increase your salary or receive a bonus

There are situations when a person likes his job, but management is not going to increase wages. In this case, read the magic words for a salary increase.

Work is one of the life priorities of every person. And, of course, everyone dreams that the position they occupy is not only loved, but also brings financial well-being. And this is very difficult in the current conditions of high competition and economic instability. Difficult, but not for those who are familiar with magical prayers and conspiracies to get a good and well-paid job.

There are a great many conspiracies for work. They act in different ways: they help in finding a job, help you get a position, give you good luck, provide a salary increase or career growth. They all have common principles in common:

  • reading time - waxing moon phase. The growth of the luminary guarantees success in work affairs. The best day for a conspiracy to work is Saturday. Rituals designed for career growth, salary increases or receiving bonuses are recommended to be read on Wednesday (the day has strong monetary energy).
  • belief in conspiracy It is imperative that the magical ritual act in the right direction. At the slightest doubt and lack of confidence in one’s own abilities, the conspiracy will be useless;
  • secrecy. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual, even if the new position is already in your hands - someone else’s energy can lead to obstacles.

And remember that the conspiracy is only aimed at helping you find a high-paying job, and not presenting it on a silver platter. All responsibility for searching for and obtaining a position falls entirely on your shoulders, and the final result will depend on your actions.

Effective rituals for getting a job and a successful career

A strong spell to find a good job

The ritual is used when a long search for a job is not crowned with success. On the new moon or waxing moon, you need to buy a new white handkerchief and say it on the same day:

“I whisper and whisper: God’s servant (his name) will have good luck on the road and success in his work. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job there. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen!"

The spell is pronounced 7 times. The handkerchief is then carried with oneself as a talisman. During the first month, all problems with finding a place and employment should be resolved.

To pass an interview

Read before an interview with a potential boss, it helps to win his favor from the first minutes of the conversation. The conspiracy is pronounced 3 times before entering the manager’s office.

“I’m going to the bar, neither young nor old. I’m going to get hired and show myself to the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not hateful. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile and be touched by my words. He will not be able to drive away a baptized soul. Lord Jesus our God, have mercy on us all at any hour. Amen".

So that everything is fine at work

When you have a new job in your pocket, you must try to fit into the new team and successfully cope with your responsibilities in order to pass the probationary period. For such a case, this conspiracy against troubles at work is suitable. You need to read it for several days in a row, before leaving home, or on the way to work. Text:

“I go as a successful fisher, I will enter as a brave merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, everywhere there is a ladder for me. Some may be lower than others, but I am always and everywhere higher than everyone else. May they love and honor me and invite me to a high position. All the words I have spoken, be strong and sculpted. Amen".

Watch another powerful conspiracy in this video:

From the boss's nagging

“I have lips, I have teeth. With my lips I eat away, with my teeth I gnaw out all kinds of evil and all sorts of nagging. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

To find a job with a big salary

Some are simply looking for a source of income, while others are trying to find a high-paying job. I advise people belonging to the second group to use this conspiracy:

“Father Belun, scatter coins from your bag in front of me. Let me serve and earn money. I’m not asking for gifts, I’m asking someone who deserves help, to help me find a job I can afford.”

From ill-wishers in the workplace

Read when one of your colleagues haunts you at work, is jealous and sets you up, and wishes you harm. To perform the ritual, you need to buy a glass of honey on Wednesday, without haggling. On the new moon, honey is dissolved in warm water, while chanting:

“The people are greedy for him. Let everyone love me the same way and feed me bread and salt. They let you into the house, seat you at the table, pour sweet wine and serve magnificent pies. They kiss you on the mouth and cheeks and pamper you with affection. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Wash your face with water and honey for 12 days in a row.

To increase your salary

“Thank you, Lord: I fish, and You send me the catch. Let my catch grow and bloom with wealth, so that I don’t know and don’t count my money. The Lord will not forget me, good things will come to me for the glory of the Lord. Amen - 3 times ”.

To help other people

Used when you need to help your family and friends find a job. It is read for food that is served to a person in need of work.

“I share my strength and my light. Let your dear heart find what it is looking for. Let him find what he wants and attract happy things. His soul will rejoice, and my soul will rejoice. My conspiracy is as strong as my love.”

To ensure good luck in finding a high-paying job, you should resort to the power of white magic and take advantage of powerful, but at the same time safe spells and rituals that will help you find a suitable job, increase your salary and get a promotion in the shortest possible time.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

It is quite difficult for people who do not have supernatural abilities, and even more so for beginners in magic, to achieve the desired results the first time. In order for conspiracies and rituals to obtain an interesting and highly paid job to be as effective as possible, you must follow simple rules.

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      Rules for conducting rituals

    1. 1. You should adhere to strict fasting for several days (at least three days) before the ceremony, that is, completely exclude meat dishes and alcoholic drinks. On the day of the ritual itself, you should completely refrain from eating any food, and drink only water from drinks. This will help you concentrate and direct the flow of consciousness energy in the right direction.
    2. 2. To achieve results, you must unconditionally believe in the magical power of the ritual being performed. A skeptical attitude to what is happening can be harmful.
    3. 3. All conspiracies for finding the desired job, moving up the career ladder, or increasing income must be carried out on the waxing moon, unless otherwise specified in the ritual itself. It is during the new moon that the powerful energy of creation and change for the better is activated.
    4. 4. In order to get a high position and build a career, rituals should be performed on Saturday, and to increase wages and business profits - on Wednesday.
    5. 5. The ritual must be performed completely alone. It is necessary to temporarily remove all animals from the premises, turn off the TV, radio, and sources of household noise, so that nothing distracts from reading the plot.
    6. 6. The place where the ceremony is performed must be thoroughly cleaned and energetically cleansed so that flows of foreign energy do not distort the result. You can check the energy of the room using an ordinary church candle. If it crackles and smokes, then something is wrong in the house. You can clean the room with holy water, which should be sprinkled in the corners of the room.
    7. 7. The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart. Read calmly, measuredly, without raising your voice, without changing intonation, without showing unnecessary emotions; it is especially not recommended to laugh or shout.
    8. 8. New accompanying attributes must be used, and it is better to acquire them before the ceremony itself. You cannot use old, broken or foreign items. After the ceremony, they must be hidden where no one can touch them or use them for their own purposes.
    9. 9. After a successful outcome, you cannot tell anyone how you managed to achieve such a result. Magic is a sacrament; it does not tolerate unnecessary talk.
    • Effective and simple spells for work

      There are a large number of simple conspiracies that help you find a new high-paying job and move up the career ladder, which you can do yourself at home. They create a variety of opportunities and options that will suit a particular applicant and help him see and evaluate them.

      However, you should not rely only on the power of magic and assume that after the ritual the necessary work will turn up in 1 day, much less sit on your hands. You should take every chance and consider available vacancies. It is necessary to regularly look through advertisements in various sources of information (press, Internet, etc.), send out resumes, and go to interviews with potential employers.

      Rituals with a scarf to attract good luck

      On the new moon, you need to buy a scarf you like. You should not rush into a purchase; you may have to go around several stores before you catch your eye. Immediately after purchasing, you need to bring the scarf home and read a magic spell over it seven times: “I, the servant of God (my name), will have prosperity and good luck on my journey. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and won’t get a refusal.”

      From this day on, the enchanted item will become a talisman that will help in finding a new interesting job. It must be carried at all times in your inner clothing pocket away from prying eyes.

      Another version of the ritual with a scarf:

      • wait for the waxing moon;
      • purchase a new handkerchief that must be white without ornaments, patterns, etc.;
      • on the same day, read a special spell over him three times;
      • always carry a scarf with you.

      As a rule, within the next month the applicant will receive an offer for the desired job. Sometimes it takes a little more time, so there is no need to rush to repeat the ritual.

      There is another ritual with a scarf and a coin. It is held in the evening before the publication of any newspaper with job advertisements. Necessary:

      • take a regular scarf and a large coin;
      • spread it on the table;
      • place a coin on it, tails up;
      • read the slander.

      How to successfully pass an interview?

      There is a special conspiracy that will help you easily pass an interview with your future boss and make him like you. You need to read the spell words seven times on the way to the interview.

      This simple ritual helps the applicant become more confident and relaxed. It eliminates the feeling of anxiety, fear of difficult questions and instills hope in getting the right position. It also helps the employer to recognize a true professional in a future employee.

      You can use another conspiracy, which should be read three times before going to the interview. After this, the director will definitely offer the desired position.

      Another simple plot on a thread will help you pass even the most difficult interview. Necessary:

      • Prepare a thread of any color.
      • Read the following spell on her three times: “Just as this knot is tied very tightly, so the servant of God (his name) worked out quickly and firmly and was accepted for the desired job. Amen".
      • At the same time, tie the thread with a knot each time, there should be three of them in total.
      • Place it on the doorstep of the house.
      • When going for an interview, you need to cross the threshold and close the door behind you.
      • before leaving home, lightly touch the bread with your lips;
      • read a special plot;
      • immediately leave for an interview with the employer without looking back.

      You can also use a coin slander, which is read before going to a potential employer: “I don’t ask for mercy! I'm on my way! So that your legs don't get tangled! Wherever I go, there I will get help! Be my way to luck! Amen! »

      To prevent HR officers from finding fault, you can read the following slander when applying for a job. It will also help you beat other candidates for the position. They say it before going to the interview.

      The following conspiracy will help you reveal all your talents at an interview. They read it immediately after waking up on the day when the conversation with the employer is supposed to take place.

      How to get a promotion?

      If you are satisfied with your field of activity, but you are tired of the monotony and routine that are inevitable when working in low positions, and you want to move up the career ladder, you can perform the following ritual, which is done during the waning month at 12 at night and always on Sunday:

    1. 1. purchase a new handkerchief you like in advance;
    2. 2. pour several large denomination coins into it;
    3. 3. At the same time, pronounce the magic words: “I’m not putting coins, but I’m giving a ransom!” ";
    4. 4. tie the handkerchief into a tight knot right along with the coins;
    5. 5. go to the forest (park, nearest public garden) and find a birch tree there;
    6. 6. bury coins deep under a tree and recite a special spell seven times.

    It is important to carry out this ritual without witnesses. Already in the first weeks of the month after this simple ritual, the boss will definitely pay attention to the talented employee, appreciate his merits and will certainly offer a long-awaited promotion.

    For a salary increase and a monetary position

    If you are satisfied with the work, but the income received from it leaves much to be desired, you can use the following spell: “Father Belun, scatter coins from your bag in front of me. Let me serve and earn money. I’m not asking for gifts, I’m asking for something that’s well-deserved, help me find a job that fits my budget.”

    To get a high-paying position, you can use the bread spell:

    • early in the morning, read a spell for a fresh loaf of bread;
    • cut it lengthwise into two parts;
    • feed one of them to the birds;
    • eat the other one at lunch.

    Another conspiracy that can attract money. Necessary:

    • plant any plant (bush, flower, tree, etc.) in a pot or in the ground;
    • during landing, repeat magic words without stopping;
    • then you need to constantly care for the plant, as long as it lives, the work will bring a good income;
    • if the plant is dead or looks weak and sick, you need to plant a new one and repeat the whole ritual again.

    How to help your loved ones find a job?

    There are difficult life situations when relatives, despite the actions taken, cannot get a good position. To help them, you can use a simple food spell for your son, daughter or husband, which is pronounced during cooking or immediately before serving food.

    After this simple ritual, your loved ones will definitely get the job they want. But it is important to make sure that they eat the entire dish offered. In addition, it is not recommended to tell them about this ritual.

    Conspiracies to get the job you want

    If you have a good place in mind, but the applicant is not sure that he will be accepted there, you can perform a ritual with a candle. It requires:

    • light a candle at noon;
    • look at the flame without taking your eyes off;
    • at the same time, speak the magic text out loud, without interruption or confusion, until the entire candle burns out to the end;
    • after this ceremony, the applicant will definitely receive the position he likes.

    The ritual with chocolate candy is also used for the same purposes. When leaving the employer, you need to whisper magic words over her three times. After that, eat the candy.

    High-paying jobs for women

    It is usually more difficult for representatives of the fair half of humanity to find decent work than for men. There are very simple and proven conspiracies especially for women:

    1. 1. This slander can be read at any time: “I’ll go and get dressed, without knocking on the door, receive me as a dear guest, offer the best place. I am a noble bird, a jack of all trades. I’ll take it inexpensively for the labor, only my own.”
    2. 2. Another easy conspiracy for women: “Ever-Virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), intercede for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have the job I want, so that I don’t regret it – don’t grieve. Forever and ever. Amen".
    3. 3. At dawn, say the following magic words: “Work, work, let me, the servant of God (name), be happy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all stubble. Forever and ever. Amen".
    4. 4. This slander can be read at any convenient time: “Lord Jesus Christ, who transformed water into wine, transform my, servants of God (name), empty worries into golden worries. Let me find a good job. Amen".
    5. 5. For the next ritual you need a small pebble with sharp edges. You need to put it on the table, cross yourself and throw it over your left shoulder to any corner of the room. At the same time, say the following magic words: “A pebble - in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and for me, the servant of God (name), - for noble wealth, for a good job. Forever and ever. Amen". After this, do not touch the stone for a month.

    Strong rituals that help you get a good position and protect yourself from the machinations of competitors

    If simple conspiracies do not help, then you need to turn to more powerful rituals. Their action not only creates a lot of opportunities for the applicant to find a suitable place, but also helps to increase his professionalism and improve his personal qualities in the eyes of the employer.

    They allow you to find work in the shortest possible time, even for those who are constantly rejected. They will also help protect your business from the machinations of ill-wishers and competitors.

    Strong spell with plate and coins

    This powerful ritual should be performed on the first lunar day. Need to:

    1. 1. read the plot once under natural light, for example, on the street during the day or in the moonlight;
    2. 2. the next day, prepare a plate and change for the farmer;
    3. 3. take them to a deserted place in the forest;
    4. 4. break the plate on a stone;
    5. 5. sprinkle the fragments with coins;
    6. 6. leave without looking back.

    There is another powerful conspiracy to get a good job. You can read it before an interview for the desired position or use it when looking for a new job.

    Hex on icons

    This ritual, which helps in finding a job, must be performed at night before going to bed. Need to:

    • purchase in advance from the church icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, as well as two thick church candles;
    • collect holy water there;
    • before going to bed, place the images on the table;
    • put candles in front of them and light them;
    • place a clay or ceramic cup filled with holy water between the candles;
    • cross her three times and say the curse: “Breadwinner-father, mother gave birth, bless us for good work”;
    • take three sips of holy water;
    • Wash with the remaining liquid;
    • Go to bed.

    This ritual must be carried out for three days in a row. Its results will certainly pleasantly surprise the applicant in the near future.

    Powerful ritual with incense and candle

    This ritual will allow you to get the desired position in the shortest possible time. You should:

    • purchase incense and a candle at church;
    • At about midnight, take out a sheet of white paper;
    • put a piece of incense on it;
    • light a candle nearby;
    • read the plot;
    • then wrap the incense in paper;
    • carry this amulet with you for nine days;
    • then burn it so that the smoke comes out of the open window.

    Church candle spell

    For this powerful ritual you need:

    1. 1. light a church candle exactly at midnight;
    2. 2. cast a magic spell on it;
    3. 3. perform the ritual three nights in a row;
    4. 4. write down the words of the prayer on a piece of paper and always carry it with you.

    Powerful prayer of protection

    This conspiracy will allow you to protect your business or work from the machinations of competitors and envious people. It is necessary to read the following words: “Help me, Lord, the Holy Spirit, in my work, so that my enemies do not dare to ruin my work. Lord, do not let the Holy Spirit be interrupted (briefly state the essence of your case). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    To protect yourself and your business from the envy of ill-wishers, you can also make a talisman that will help you overcome any difficulties and contribute to successful work. You can speak to any small thing: a handkerchief, a coin, jewelry, etc.

    Conspiracies from specialists in the field of white magic are very effective. They have been tested for more than one generation and have proven their effectiveness many times.

    Moreover, such rituals are accessible and safe. Even a beginner in magical matters can easily carry them out right at home or in the workplace.

    From Vanga

    The great seer often gave effective advice that helped solve various problems. To be lucky with your job, you need to follow simple recommendations:

    1. 1. Write on a regular piece of paper what position and salary you want to get. Then cut this leaf into small pieces and mix them with chopped bay leaf. Place in a dish and set on fire. When the ashes have cooled, wrap it in a banknote and carry it with you as a talisman.
    2. 2. To always have good luck in your work, you need to find a leaf of ordinary sorrel or a four-leaf clover. Dry the plant under pressure, for example, in a book and place it under glass on the desktop.
    3. 3. Achieving success in your field of activity can be very simple. It is enough to drink tea at your workplace from a mug with a picture of a ladybug.
    4. 4. For a successful interview, you should put a nickel under your heel.
    5. 5. You cannot talk or think about your boss too often, so as not to incur his disfavor.
    6. 6. If the director calls you into his office to reprimand you for something, you should put a small mirror in your pocket with the reflective surface facing him. The boss's anger will quickly fade away.

    If you need to get a job as soon as possible, you can use the water ritual from Vanga. It requires:

    • first, clean up your desk, put things in their places and throw out unnecessary things;
    • lock yourself in a room all alone;
    • take a pen that is constantly used for work;
    • read a conspiracy against her;
    • tie the handle with a long white thread;
    • put the second end of the thread into your pocket;
    • go all day with this pen;
    • Use only it for the next month, and the results will not be long in coming.

    From the Onega healer

    To get successful job offers, you need to:

    • purchase three handkerchiefs in advance;
    • on the full moon, tie a knot on each of them;
    • place the scarves in a crystal glass so that the knots are at the bottom and the edges hang down on the sides;
    • lean over the glass and whisper magic words;
    • place a glass with scarves on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by moonlight;
    • Go to bed;
    • In the morning, carefully fold the handkerchiefs without untying the knots;
    • leave one at home, put the second in your bag, the third in the pocket of your outerwear;
    • for an interview, take one of the scarves and touch the handle of the boss’s office door with it.

    Another plot to get a place you like can be read with a pen, which must first be held in your hands. After that, you need to fill out a questionnaire or job application for her and “accidentally” forget it in the office before leaving home. The charmed thing will definitely attract the applicant to himself, and he will receive the desired position.

    From the Siberian healer

    Natalya Stepanova is a famous witch in Siberia. She has many effective spells that can be used to find a new job and not lose your position.

    To avoid being fired from your job, you must:

    • place a container of water at your feet for three days;
    • bring it to work;
    • wash with water so that no one sees;
    • at the same time read the spell words: “I was here, here I will be, I went here and I will go here. Amen".

    To avoid being rejected when applying for a job, you can use the following spell, which is said three times before leaving home on an important matter. You can also read it when solving any difficult issues.